Me First in 2023

Me First in 2023

Me First in 2023

Me First in 2023!

Dear Beautiful Reflecting Woman,

I’ll be honest, I lost myself this year and no matter how hard I tried I just couldn’t find my footing both literally and figuratively.

If you follow me you probably know this already…my last email was from my birthday July 28th and my social media posts have been non existent.

Moving back to Illinois last February and in with my partner proved to be exciting as well as challenging. As much as it was a wonderful open hearted decision combining our lives together, the move and adjustment caused much distraction from my own wants and needs both personally and in my business.

We had a lot of fun creating a collaborative household full the objects we loved while enjoying time together but it took the year to complete because of construction and family matters.

During this time I made the mistake of returning to an old pattern of mine…putting everyone else needs before mine.

I stopped taking care of me in all the ways I needed.

No one asked me to do this by the way, it was just my fucked up perception of my place how I felt needing to “pay for’ the space I was taking up in ways that served others and not myself and it set me back in many ways.

I lost the trajectory I had created in Denver with my 55 Women Project and focused on trying to “make money” by helping others with their businesses and personally by taking on tasks that I thought would help us as a family.

The good news is that I’ve recognized my pattern and I’m breaking it starting today first and foremost by literally putting my best foot forward and going for a walk this morning to clear my head…a morning practice that I let slip away last year. 

I am also breaking the blocked damn by writing and sending this letter to you.

I am committing 2023 to ME. To all the desires and uncompleted projects from 2022 as well as new dreams for 2023 such as…

Finishing my 55 Women Project

Launching my Podcast

Speaking to Groups

Traveling to Photograph amazing women I haven’t met yet and share them with the world

Taking creative classes just for fun

A trip to London

Just to name a few.

I hope you give yourself the gift of time for reflection over the past year so that you recognize any patterns keeping you from the life you desire.

Please don’t stand in your own way in 2023 we need all the amazing you bring to the world.

If no one has told you today…You Are Beautiful!

Love + Light 


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3 Steps to Prepare for your Personal Brand Photo Session

3 Steps to Prepare for your Personal Brand Photo Session


Rest Up &


The night before the shoot get plenty of sleep and drink lots of water so your skin looks fabulous and fresh! Schedule your “LNO” after your session to celebrate not the night before!

Fun &


Have fun with your session! This is all about you and  your brand so enjoy yourself.  Be silly, natural, loud, share all your stories…be your authentic YOU.

Props &


Tell all your stories as creatively as you can and don’t be afraid to use props to share your process.




Here are a few prop ideas…make sure you include them on your Pinterest Session Idea Board.

Solopreneur/Coach – phone, computer, planner, pen, favorite mug, calender, headphones.

Artist – brushes, paints, recent work, easel, paper, pencils, clay, art books, inspiration.

Interior Designer – Mood board, swatches, computer, ipad, phone, pen, pad, planner, fav mug.

Writer – Books, pad & paper, post it notes, journal, typewriter, chair, computer, fav mug.

Graphic Designer – computer, inspiration board, computer pen & tablet, planner.

Musicians – Instrument, pad & pen, chair, blanket, tuning instrument, instrument case.

Realtor – listing contracts, for sale sign, clients, ipad, computer, champagne glass & client gift.



Remember to include people as your props they can help tell your stories more clearly!

Finally, don’t forget to include your hobbies…
Hobbies – your favs…books, instruments, art, garden, recipe, exercise, bike, game, decorating, antiques, boating, wood working, pottery, jewelry making…whatever you enjoy.

Chef –  Bowls, recipes, knives, cutting board, pad, pen, spatula, apron, hat.

Yoga Instructer – Yoga mat, blocks, books, towel, water bottle, tea cup.

Jewelry Designers – Tools, safety gear, loose jewels & clasps, organizers, inspiration boards.

Chiropractor – Skeleton, diagram, table, pad & paper, computer, exercise ball, straps, fav mug.

Dear Beautiful Procrastinator

Dear Beautiful Procrastinator

Dear Beautiful Procrastinator,

Relax, I am your fearless leader and I’m here to help both of us.

One of my favorite memes is…

Five Ways to Stop Procrastinating


It’s funny but it’s not because it’s where a lot of us gets stuck and never move forward on that goal, project, or sometimes life. There are lots of reasons we get stuck but perfectionism is the biggie and causes procrastination. We come up with a million reasons why we can’t do “it” yet and we’ll keep finding a million more if we don’t just let go and take the next small step.

This post may not be perfect but I’m getting it out there for you and I hope it resonates and makes you post something you’ve been wanting to share because the truth is someone needs to hear it and they will only “hear it” from you. That’s why there are a multitude of people in the same profession…they all may be sharing the same general information but not everyone is going to really hear them.

I want to speak to the women who will “hear” me…Begin Here…Begin Now. Whatever that goal is take the next first step….post that image, write that blog, call that lead, send that email, put on those running shoes and step outside, take those frames to Goodwill so that you make the space to do your art…whatever it is do it now. I don’t care if it’s 9pm or 6am just do it. You will feel so good when you take the first next step that the steps after will just get easier and then surprise…you’ve reached your goal…Congratulations?

Contact me when you do please I’d love to share your success!