Rest Up &

Fun &

Props &


Here are a few prop ideas…make sure you include them on your Pinterest Session Idea Board.
Solopreneur/Coach – phone, computer, planner, pen, favorite mug, calender, headphones.
Artist – brushes, paints, recent work, easel, paper, pencils, clay, art books, inspiration.
Interior Designer – Mood board, swatches, computer, ipad, phone, pen, pad, planner, fav mug.
Writer – Books, pad & paper, post it notes, journal, typewriter, chair, computer, fav mug.
Graphic Designer – computer, inspiration board, computer pen & tablet, planner.
Musicians – Instrument, pad & pen, chair, blanket, tuning instrument, instrument case.
Realtor – listing contracts, for sale sign, clients, ipad, computer, champagne glass & client gift.
Remember to include people as your props they can help tell your stories more clearly!
Finally, don’t forget to include your hobbies…
Hobbies – your favs…books, instruments, art, garden, recipe, exercise, bike, game, decorating, antiques, boating, wood working, pottery, jewelry making…whatever you enjoy.

Yoga Instructer – Yoga mat, blocks, books, towel, water bottle, tea cup.
Jewelry Designers – Tools, safety gear, loose jewels & clasps, organizers, inspiration boards.
Chiropractor – Skeleton, diagram, table, pad & paper, computer, exercise ball, straps, fav mug.